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How to get in touch with us?
For booking please call or email us at the contact information below

Telephone: +63 - 046 - 483-4049
Mobile Numbers: 0907-363-1697, 0991-933-0587

MA Calamba Road, Iruhin East 4120 Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines
How to reach the Congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist House of Prayer?

From Metro Manila take SLEX (South Luzon Express Way), take the exit towards Santa Rosa, or a little further to the Eton City exit. Turn right to Santa Rosa Tagaytay Road. Turn Left to Tagaytay Calamba Road towards Palace in the Sky. The House of Prayer is on the left side opposite the road going to Ridge View.
Tagaytay can also be reached via the Coastal Road Expressway and then taking Aguinaldo Highway heading south towards Tagaytay.


MA Calamba Road, Iruhin East
4120 Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines


TEL.: 0063 - 046 - 483-4049
MOBILE: 0907-363-1697 0991-933-0587
EMAIL: inquiry@tagaytayhouseofprayer.com

Congregation of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist